East Area SLC 2019 (6/6/19-9/6/19)

During the course of this camp, I've learnt alot of skills from the other scouts from different units in my patrol. For example on day 1, i learnt the many different types of ways to build a specific gadget like how there're more than 2 ways to build a shoe rack and some of which uses lesser poles to build. Later that day, i also learnt how to set up a ridge tent, which is something new and interesting to me as i usually sleep in patrol tents for camps. During the setting up of the tents i also learnt how to apply the basic knots i learnt to set up the tent examples include the marlin spike. On the second day, I have also learnt
how to navigate my way using a compass and a map with the knowledge of how to read a six figure reading. I also learnt that resilience was important too because the hike was very long and tiring. Without resilience , i would not have finished the hike and gave up halfway.

                                                     My patrol at our checkpoint

Later that night we played a few station games and through the games i learnt the importance of having a strong communication between the patrol members because if one does not receive information due to poor communication,we will not progress.

After the games, our patrol was punished for a specific incident and our lack of honesty. Our lack of honesty eventually made our patrol to not be able to receive our slc certs for a period of time. On the third day, the first thing we did after our layout inspection was our cooking competition with the other patrols. The cuisine given to us was japanese. This was a very rewarding experience overall because i managed to learn the many different japanese dishes we could cook with that little ingredients we had. From this cooking experience, i also found out that communication was also very important. This is because we were cooking many different dishes and by communicating well with one another we could finish cooking all our dishes on time and this could also be done when we help one another. On the fourth day, i learnt how to take down kitchen shed efficiently . This was done with my troopmates and i having a good communication system where one would lead the others on what to do such as untying, holding the pole, folding the groundsheet, etc. I feel like i could apply the technical skills such as the inspection layout, how to set up and take down a kitchen shed or ridge tents and how to handle equipment properly in my future scout trainings and camps and also pass these knowledge to my fellow scout mates and juniors. Furthermore, i could apply the efficient communication skills back into the unit whenever im planning activities with my batchmates. For example i would my batchmates be aware of the flow of activities or else the flow of activities would not be smooth. Lastly, i have learnt the value of perseverance as during the camp. i went through many struggles such as having stomach cramps frequently). However, with perseverance, i managed to endure for the entire duration of the camp and finish the course :)


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