Fitness Goal-25 consecutive push ups

 Start date: 6 February 2020

End date: 16 April 2020

My goal was to do 25 consecutive push ups as i could only do around 15 push ups in the past before giving up and doing the ‘slack’ push ups. Furthermore, since i was also appointed as one of the sports leaders in the morning run program for the sec ones, i felt that i needed to show them that a guy with a big body size like me can do quite a number of physical exercises without giving up in order to make them be motivated in doing the exercises.

On the first day, i counted the number of push ups i could do and to my surprise, i could only do 13, which was below the average amount that i usually do consecutively before giving up. After that day, i decided to try and do as many push ups as i can to ensure that i do not become worse by the day. Other than constantly doing as many push ups as i can, i also started to try to keep a healthier diet by trying to have balanced meals everyday and also not having any meals after 7 pm.

Since I was also a sports leader, i could also use the morning run program as a chance for me to improve on my push ups when i’m doing it with the sec 1s. With all these consistent and consecutive exercises and efforts, I managed to improve on the number of push ups I could do at the end of the second week. By the end of the second week, the average push ups i did before giving up now was around 18, which was higher than the amount when i first started which was 15. Although i had not accomplished my goal just yet, i had a sense of achievement as i managed to make some improvement and felt that if i kept up the consistent efforts, i will eventually meet my goal.

However, when it came to the 4th week in March I had lesser practice sessions because of more school work on top of some CCA commitments. So, i decided that i will have to dedicate more time to practice during the weekends along with the morning run sessions i have during weekdays.

By the time April came and the Circuit Breaker measure was implemented, i had more free time to practice and i began to do my push ups every morning before i start my HBL assignments. During that time, I managed to improve and I managed to average around 20 push ups without giving up.

Finally, by the second week of HBL I managed to achieve my goal of doing 25 push ups in a row. Although the last few push ups were sloppy, I still had a sense of achievement and satisfaction that I managed to accomplish my goal after all that practice. One thing that I could learn other than perseverance was commitment because constant practice for 10 weeks may be tough to stick with, and without consistency I may not have diligently practiced everyday to accomplish my goal.


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