Mini Knotting Project

It has been around a month into the Circuit Breaker and life is getting more boring by the day. Thankfully, the leaders at East Area Scouts has implemented a Scouting@home program for us to keep the spirit of scouting despite the current Covid-19 outbreak. This post here is my submission for the Pioneer badge challenge where i had to create a chart of 10 common knots used in pioneering projects. The knots that i have done are

-Square Lash
-Diagonal Lash
-Tripod Lash
-Clove Hitch
-Sheet bend
-Timber Hitch
-Floor/Snake Lash
-Reef Knot
-Shear Lash

Other than that, i have also included their uses as well. Although dealing with smaller materials was quite tiring, this experience was honestly a fun one as i finally got to do a scouting activity after a long time.

Once again , I would like to thank the leaders at East Area Scouts for organising this event.


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