Proficiency Badge Attainment

Throughout my years in scouting, i have come to realise that proficiency badges is one of the key elements in scouting as it can help scouts to learn new skills and gain more knowledge. I first started working on my proficiency badges last year in June when my PLs told us to submit various certificates to attain badges such as Canoeist I, Swimmer I and Musician. However, as I started to work on more of these badges, I realised that this was one of the things driving me to go further into scouting because not only do i get to make my uniform look nicer, but I could learn new skills and learn them with my batchmates A few of these badges that i earned has made an impact in my scouting journey

One badge that has made an impact on me was the first aider badge. To get this badge I had to learn the basics of first aid such as CPR, bandaging, etc. The skills and knowledge that I have learnt from the course is something that I still remember until now. Overall, I felt that the experience was unique as not everyone is equipped with the skills of first aid

The civics badge is the one that I enjoyed doing the most. This was because a few of my batchmates and my senior headed out to the supreme court as part of one of the components and this outing that we had served as a good bonding experience for us.

Some of my other proficiency badges include Sailor I and Boat Puller I which i earned during the 1st ASEAN Seaboree when I learned the basics of row boating and sailing along with other scouts from different countries and schools.

Overall, I feel that the proficiency badge system is an effective way for scouts to learn new things and skills which may not be easily learnt out of scouting.. Throughout these 2 years of earning and working on badges, I have definitely learnt something new and I would like to thank my batchmates and seniors for constantly pushing me and helping me to earn these badges

My Proficiency Badges


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