Backwoodsman cooking!
It was my second backwoodsman experience. I roughly knew what to expect because i have been through one backwoodsman session during our weekly trainings but it was cancelled shortly due to rain. When the session started, PL Lim Tao and donavan gave a simple demo on how to dig a fire pit properly. After that, we began to dig the fire pit with the assistance of some of our PLs and APLs. When the pit was dug, APL Samuel gave us a refresher on the first step which was to form a triangular-like structure and put some dried leaves in.. After that, he gave me a matchstick to try to start the fire. However, it being my first time to start the fire, it failed. APL Samuel then taught us the proper technique and gave the second matchstick to our patrol mate, Aide. After knowing the technique, we finally started the fire. After maintaining the fire for about 30 minutes with the help of our seniors who taught us how to maintain a fire by blowing, PL Lim tao came with the food which were chicken and sausages. He taught us how to prepare food and cook them properly. However, as soon as we started to cook our food, we encountered a problem. Most of our kindle and tinder were wet as some of us collected it after it rained and thus had to borrow from the other patrols. Fortunately, the fire still managed to survive with the help of our seniors and our food was also cooked. At the end of the day, I felt a sense of satisfaction as because i finally managed to eat the food which i have put so much effort in just to cook. At the end of the session, i also learnt from our mistakes and learnt that we should collect tinder and kindle prefably two days before the session so that it can dry and crisp. I have also learnt the different methods to cook the different types of food as i may need that knowledge for NPC and for passing down to juniors.
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