My Physical Goal

Start: 20 Feb 2019
End: 3 April 2019
Goal: Being able to rum 5 rounds around my school without stopping and to pass my 2.4 test

When i first started to work on my goal, i could only run 2 rounds around my school without stopping. After that, i would just give up and start walking. Thankfully, because i'm i the morning run programme, which lasted everyday other than monday and thursday. These consecutive morning run trainings can help me improve with my stamina with activities such as shuttle run, field run and running around the school. I could also learn techniques that can help me achieve my goal easier. Even though there is no morning run on Monday and thursday, i could still train because i would have PE lessons and my teacher would ask us to run rounds around the school to prepare us for our 2.4 run. On top of that, my CCA would also include running as part of the PT programme. With this, i continuosly repeated what i did except for days when i was sick and recorded my timings for each run until the test came. After the test, i knew my efforts paid off because i passed the run with a timing of 13:38 and i did not stop. During my training process, i have learnt that perseverance and commitment was important because if i was not committed to my goal, i would not have taken the effort to do my best during the trainings and that persevere during any difficulty.


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