1st SLC Training

Due to the recent Covid-19 virus, our SLC was split into weekly trainings instead of an overnight camp. Before today's training I was honestly quite nervous as i did not know what to expect and from the past annual SLC Camps i have seen, I also felt that we were going to have a hard time. However, it was not as strenuous as i thought as we were just doing modules. Throughout this training, i have learnt quite a few things such as what is a PLC and the various roles of members in the PLC. Other than that, we also learnt about the things to take note of when planning mass activities (OLAM, Objective, Location, Audience, Motivation). Furthermore, we have also learnt the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs as part of motivation where it shows the different levels of needs.

Objective- Establish clearly what is the purpose or agenda of having the meeting

Location- Ensure that location of the activity is large enough to seat your scouts. Ensure that location is also well ventilated.

Audience- Who are you planning this meeting for?

Motivation- Various needs of scouts.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
-It is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a 5 tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid.

Lastly, we were given the task by our rover to plan a friday training within our split SLC patrols. Each patrol is supposed to come out with a training plan and after, we are supposed to discuss on which plan would be the best and execute that plan


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