First time planning and executing a training
With the task that Rover Andrew has given us, my patrol has come out with a meeting plan with the agenda of letting the sec 1s to 3s to bond through games and also get the sec 1s to learn the basic knots and lashings.
Our Minutes
On Monday the next week, we were asked to come to the den where we (including facils and rover andrew) discussed on which meeting was the best. During this meeting, our facils and rover andrew also pointed out on the mistakes the SLC patrols made.
Some mistakes that my patrol made was not using capital letters for the names of some members and also having the headers of each section being cut by the end of the page. Also, we did not include detailed rules for our games in the annex. Other mistakes that the rest of the patrols included not elaborating on the annex or activity well enough,not putting capital letters of the names of each location.
Although these seemed like minor mistakes at the start, I soon realised that it is able to affect the presentation of our work and that mistakes like these made our minutes look very sloppy.
After some discussion, we all agreed on having the agenda my patrol and Scorpio patrol had, which was to teach the juniors the basic knots and lashings. For this planning session, rover andrew guided us on how to come out with the minutes properly. Firstly, we were supposed to fill up the OLAM column, secondly, we filled up the meeting timetable on the whiteboard except for the 'IC' and 'Remarks' section. After that, we thought of who the ICs of each station/ activity should be. Lastly, with all the information on the board, we compiled everything into a google doc and sent it to the SLC group chat.
On the actual day where we had to execute the training, the first thing that we did was to lay out all our logistics at our venue. Since it was raining during that day, we had to go our wet weather location, which was the heritage corner.
Updated minutes
One disadvantage of using the heritage wall as the location is that it is a long distance from the pole shed, thus it will take a longer time for the individual ICs to get their logistics laid out,especially with the rain. Furthermore, most of the ICs were not there to get their logistics during that time and this made some of us to take a double trip.
During the knotting lesson, it went relatively well as all the sec 2s were listening (sec 1s were not there as they went to buy their uniform) and paying attention to the sec 3 in charge of teaching the knot. After the knotting lesson, we proceeded to the stretcher game where the sec 2s are to build their own stretcher for a race relating to the scout promise, law and hymn.
When the sec 2s were building the stretcher, it mostly went well as the sec 2s were engaged in building their stretcher with the knots they have learnt. However, when it came to the race itself, only some of the sec 2s knew their promise, law and hymn which caused the flow of games to not be as smooth as planned. Other than that, the flow of the games were more or less smooth and the each patrol got snacks for their efforts. At the end, the training ended with a closing ceremony.
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